Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Still alive...


Yes, I'm still alive and fine, as are all the creatures.  I'm sorry to have neglected the blog, I just can't seem to get on top of my other duties and thus have no time for "fun" stuff.  For example, I spent ALL DAY Sunday filling out an application to VaTech's graduate school - it's a formality since I've been accepted into the DVM/PhD program (i.e. I'm pretty sure they just want the application fee!).  Anyway, I'm thinking to myself "Oh, this will only take a few hours because I've already got essays and CV and all that together...."  That was my first mistake.  First, my CV needed just a few tweaks.  Then it turns out they wanted a description of past research experience and future research goals.....er, yeah.  Don't have that one.....so tack on another three hours to write up an intelligible and grammatically correct research history.  Oh, and they also want separate transcripts for undergrad and grad work.  Add another hour of fighting with adobe to try to split a .pdf document only to realize I can't b/c it's locked.  There was a break thrown in for me to go outside and check on the pony in the pouring rain, but that counts as part of my lunch break!!

Anyway, just as all that was done and submitted and the fee was paid, our power died.  So much for internet!  And thus so much for blogging plans.  But have no fear, I have stories and pictures to share which shall be up shortly.  Actually, you can brace yourselves for blogging bonanza as I've got a bit of time off this week and will be spending lots of it on the couch :-)  Yea for spring break!!

Be back soon.

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