Thursday, June 2, 2011

Craziness and housing...oh wait, same thing

So hubby and I have not sat idly by the last two weeks in the search for housing.  While many of my dear readers know the story, here's the break-down:
 1. We house hunt with our amazingly hard working, friendly, knowledgable and responsible agent.
2. We find house we love for cheap (i.e. the little yellow house)
3. We make offer on the little yellow house.
4. Things get complicated b/c it's on a grandfathered septic within city limits.
5. We spend time hashing details, possibilities, small forests of paperwork.
6. We find out financing isn't approved b/c we haven't started our new jobs.  We MUST have pay stubs as proof of income/employment.  We were told a written offer letter with acceptance would work.
7. We return to scrambling to find short term rental that will allow four pets.

So basically we're still planning on buying a house - financially and personally it makes all sorts of sense.  We're not in a huge rush, but want to do it in the next 6 months so we can be settled and be putting money towards a mortgage rather than rent.  But we've got to have our butts in Blacksburg for at least a month before we can qualify for a mortgage.  The mortgage guy had everything else processed, so we know we're in the clear and will be approved as soon as we get those pesky pay stubs!  We're headed back down this Sunday to hunt further...hubs has found some promising leads.

Sorry for the lack of updates last weekend...I managed to catch a frickin cold.  In May.  In the middle of a 90* heat wave.  (My immune system hates me.)

Everybody keep yer fingers crossed we find SOME place to live (that preferably doesn't charge by the night....)

PS: the other rentals we've looked at have all been 1yr long leases, and the one super cute one that seemed promising definitely turned out not to be.  Plus the landlord wasn't happy with 4 pets.  I'm starting to consider not "counting" Cato.  I mean, no one else ever sees her....she's like a ghost.  A big, hairy, matted ghost that gobbles cat food and stinks up the litter.  (she's next on the shave list....)

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