Sunday, January 2, 2011

So here's the plan...

You might be interested in my reasons for starting a blog.  Or you might not!  In which case I'm not sure why you'd be reading this anyway....ok, back to my point.  So my main reasons are as follow:
1.  This coming year in my life is going to be, well, hectic.  It occurred to me a forum that my family and friends could check for painfully-detailed updates on what is going on might be nice.  I like the "optional" format of a blog in comparison to facebook where every post is forced on every friend.  I realize that I've got a few friends who really are interested in the medical details of my horse, but there are probably a lot more who aren't.  Here, they get the choice to read or not!
2.  The "hectic-ness" previously referred to deserves to be documented for personal reasons, and I've never been one to keep a journal.  Even when it was assigned as part of a class, I HATED doing journals.  But for some reason, blogging is, well, kinda fun.  Go figure.
3. Feedback....maybe, just MAYBE, some interesting, experienced and educated people will read some posts and possibly leave comments.  I can use all the help I can get!!!!  This particularly relates to horsey activities, where I feel like a perpetual novice....more on that later.

So those are my reasons.  Now what is the blog going to focus on?  Well, I'm in the midst of applications to different animal-oriented graduate programs.  For instance, I've got an interview with Virginia Tech on Jan 28th for their DVM program!!  WOO!!!  So I imagine there will be lots about veterinary medicine programs, graduate school, animal research and that whole personal quest towards a career in large animal medicine/research.  I also just found out that my very dear horse, Dax, has a large bone cyst in her left femur.    Now that we've got a diagnosis, we've got treatment and rehab and all that fun.  Plus I'm aiming to complete a Physics class, start volunteering at the SPCA, volunteer at some more endurance rides, and....well, as you can see things will probably be fairly animal oriented, but that won't stop me from waxing philosophical on other subjects like food, weather, husbands, farming, trying to stay healthy, etc.  That's what the "finding balance" bit is all about.

I realize that description sounds fairly vague, and all I can ask is for a bit of patience and leeway until I've got a better idea myself :-)  That's part of why this blog is titled "A Wander in the Woods".  Let's hope it turns out to be a relaxing stroll on sun-dappled trails!!

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